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Stichting project realisatie van initiatieven door modulatie van entrepeneurschap
Working in the field of Entrepreneurship

Over PRIME   About PRIME


PRIME is een non-profit training organisatie die actueel en modern ondernemerschap ondersteunt en faciliteert.

PRIME biedt personen die het ondernemerschap ambiëren, startups, scale-ups én gearriveerde ondernemingen trainingen en cursussen aan die toegesneden zijn op het ondernemerschap dat in de huidige disruptieve economie is vereist.

PRIME integreert diverse bewezen methodieken als Design Thinking, Gamification, Lego Serious Play en Canvas Business Model (YOU). PRIME circuleert en valoriseert kennis met het oog op baanbrekende ontwikkelingen deze beschikbaar én geschikt te maken voor toepassingen in nieuwe producten.

PRIME reikt instrumenten aan voor een succesvolle route van ideelancering naar marktintroductie en de 1e stap van ondernemen via loonvormend naar bedrijfsvormend.

PRIME’s aanpak werkt vernieuwend en stimuleert en versterkt competenties en vaardigheden om versnellingen in groei en innovatie te managen en een duurzaam business model te ontwikkelen.

PRIME is tevens actief als externe deskundige voor Europese projecten in Turkije, Slovenië, Bulgarije, Roemenië, Duitsland, Oostenrijk, Frankrijk, Italië, Spanje, Griekenland en Cyprus


PRIME is a not-for-profit training organization that supports and facilitates current and modern entrepreneurship.

PRIME offers people who aspire to entrepreneurship, start-ups, scale-ups and companies training courses and courses tailored to the entrepreneurship required in today's disruptive economy.

PRIME integrates various proven methodologies as Design Thinking, Gamification, Lego Serious Play and Canvas Business Model (YOU). PRIME circulates and valorises knowledge in order realize to unconventional developments and making it available and suitable for applications in new products.

PRIME provides tools for a successful journey from idea to market launch and the 1st step of entrepreneurship to self-employment to business development.

PRIME's approach works innovative and stimulates and strengthens competencies and skills to manage acceleration of growth and innovation and to develop a sustainable business model.

Prime is also active as external expert for European projects in Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Slovenia, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and France. 


Ankara/Istanbul (Turkey), Paris (France), Berlin/Leipzig (Germany), Tallin (Estonia), Tel Aviv (Israel), Bucharest (Romania), Milazzo (Italy), Barcelona (Spain)


Gamification, Hero's Journey, Business Model You, Design Thinking, Social Behaviour, Neuronomics, Lego Serious Play®

EU projects



Encouraging society to become more involved in identification, preservation, and consumption of cultural heritage by developing training programs and educational materials for libraries and making them available via Massive Open On-line Course (MOOC) thus promoting or contributing in re-designing existing and co-creating new innovative services in cultural heritage institutions


The main aim of the SHIELD project is to improve the Skill and Ability level of the Offshore Construction workers in Europe, especially those from South and Eastern countries.


TOURiBOOST is re-orienting tourism education with digital, social and intercultural competences to support local stakeholders tackle strategic innovation in heritage tourism.


Aims to empower unemployed adults who have difficulties in finding a new employment because of the increasingly specialised skills required by the market


WOMCA project is addressed to Youth Women Mentors, working and dealing with young women entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship can be a very lonely path. Besides, like most other things in life, it “takes a village” to succeed as a startup

Our expertise

Lego Serious Play®

Innovation requires engagement that goes well beyond crowd sourcing: it requires a user centric approach, and it demands for collaborative and constructive processes where participants build ideas and concepts, negotiate meaning and engage in creative activities together to create mutual value – value for the education system and for the learners. A value that goes into the design and development of a better user experience that targets needs and values that are latent, those values that are subconscious and that LEGO Serious Play can surface. In such a perspective, LSP is the beating, engaging and revealing heart of a co-creation experience, helping organisations and users to engage in constructive conversations to build together, iteratively, the next user experience, innovating services and products together.

City Game Design

I teach art, architecture, urban planning, design, tourism and I see the city as a living space where environmental signals and cultural events gives you the state of the art of the city health. La Biennale has all these components in one way or another, there are many views, many concepts, different Biennales inside the Biennale for sure whatever you teach is somehow represented there.
I decided to transform my students into game Avatars and I develop a game named "La Biennale". I have conducted an extensive research in advanced, that is one of the biggest changes in education

Design Thinking

I teach art, architecture, urban planning, design, tourism and I see the city as a living space where environmental signals and cultural events gives you the state of the art of the city health.
La Biennale has all these components in one way or another, there are many views, many concepts, different Biennales inside the Biennale for sure whatever you teach is somehow represented there.
I decided to transform my students into game Avatars and I develop a game named "La Biennale". I have conducted an extensive research in advanced, that is one of the biggest changes in education

Social Good · Oasis Game

As during earlier technological and social transformations, there is a disjunction between existing structures and institutions and what’s needed now. This is as true for the private as for the social economy. New paradigms tend to flourish in areas where the institutions are most open to them, and where the forces of the old are weak.
We make the dreams of the community happen.

Business Model You

A workshop starts with The Three Career Questions: Is it time to move up? Is it time to move out? Is it time to adapt your style? For midcareer professionals, The Three Questions serve as a global positioning system throughout their voyages in career space. For managers, The Three Questions serve as a framework for challenging but essential professional development conversations they must hold with the people they oversee.